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 external and internal professional skincare.

Collagen Boost



Fish oils are often recommended because they contain secondary Omega-3 fatty acids rather than the primary ALA.

With Bestow Beauty Plus Oil, you still get the benefit ofsecondary Omega-3 fatty acids, plus so much more besides!•Secondary Omega-6 GLA for Omega-3:Omega-6 balance.

•More versatile – can easily be added to your daily foods..

•Delicious flavour with a hint of blackcurrant andcoconut.

•Extra virgin for premium quality.

•Certified organic, so no concerns about purity.

•Cold pressed and handled with special care to protectthe integrity of the oil.

•A vegetarian source of Omega-3.

•Proudly manufactured in New Zealand.


Bestow Beauty Plus Oil is an excellent source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) for skin health and general wellbeing.


Did you know that Omega 3 and

Omega 6 are actually families of fats?

When your body is functioning well, you only need to provide it with the primary fat and it will successfully produce all

the other members of that fat family.


However, ill-health and stress can cause a blockage to occur, meaning the body cannot produce all the fats which are needed for skin and body health.


Bestow Beauty Plus Oil skirts

around this blockage and supports

the body to produce all the

life-giving fats it needs to thrive.

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Bestow Beauty Plus Oil

How to store your Bestow

Beauty Plus Oil:

Bestow Beauty Plus Oil should be kept in the fridge and consumed within six weeks. (If you can’t get through it in this time, freeze a portion of it in order to extend its shelf life.)

Serving suggestions

•Blend into your favourite smoothie or shake.

•Mix with cereal, porridge, fruit and/or yoghurt forbreakfast.

•Blend into cottage cheese, hummus, pesto or dip.

•Goes well with vegetable dishes such as greens, salads,steamed vegetables.

•Stir into mashed potato and soups once cooler.

•Mix with fruit and vegetable juices.

•Blend equal parts Bestow Beauty Plus Oil and butter forspreads

Note: to protect the nutritional value of this oil, it is not suitablefor hot cooking.

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